It’s interesting to find that this isn’t the first time this question arose in one’s heart. Habakkuk found himself asking a similar question to God during a time when Babylon was becoming the dominant world power and Judah feeling their destructive force.
His question: why evil people
prosper while the righteous suffer?
Habakkuk 1:3
Why do you make me see wrongdoing,
why do you permit oppression?
Habakkuk 1:13
…why are you silent when evil people
swallow up those mor than righteous than they?
Habakkuk had relationship with
God, which is why he felt comfortable asking him such questions. It shows that God doesn’t mind us asking him such
things. In fact, he wants us to share
our doubts and struggles with him.
Does God answers Habakkuk?
Habakkuk 2:4
Look at the proud: he is
inwardly not upright, but the righteous will attain life through trusting
Habakkuk 2:5
…the arrogant will not live at
peace but keeps expanding his desires like Shol; like death, he can never be satisfied;
he keeps collecting all the nations for himself. Rallying to himself all the
The chapter goes on with woe unto
him. The answer was they don’t prosper
in the long run.
There are various emotions in the
atmosphere due to the results of the election.
Some of happy, some are upset, and some have just lost all hope. Others may be asking why or even questioning
God in all of this.
Yet Habakkuk shows us something
deeper to view.
Could it be we are viewing this
from our own limitations in contrast to God’s unlimited control of the world
and events like Habakkuk was doing? Yes,
this is all very confusing, and the questions are all valid. Yet we cannot see all that God is doing.
We cannot even see all that He will do.
Could it be he can use this to
turn your heart more towards him, making you realize you can’t do it all in our
own strength after all. Somethings
are just a mystery when it comes to Abba.
I would like to figure out how millions of people can be praying at every
same time, and yet He makes each one feels like they personally have his attention. That is what makes him sovereign. We can yet
rest assured that he is God and will do what is right. We must trust the wisdom of his timing!
Knowing this should bring us to the confidence and hope we have in him in such
a time as this!
Be Encouraged.
Reference: Life Application Bible.