Saturday, November 17, 2012

Just A Thought....

We've all done it one time or another.  You are upset about something you feel you have no control over.  Instead of just telling it to your spouse,  you take your anger or hurt out on them.  This chain of reaction can only cause another moment that’s really unnecessary.  So it begs the question, why do we do it?
I say it’s one word, vulnerability.  Yes, we as women like being strong.  We don’t want to really admit we are weak to our husbands.  So instead, we take things out on them.  For example, I was concerned with some news I got on my mom in regards to her health. I expressed it but not in depth.  Instead I found myself just leashing out at my husband.  “Why you didn't do this?” “What are you doing?” “You spend so much time on this.”  When I really should have been saying “I could use you to pray with me right now.” “I’m feeling weak in this area.”  “I’m scared.”
The truth is, there are times we just need to be comfortable being vulnerable with our spouses.  Yes, it nice to be independent and have our own, but marriage is a partnership.  It’s no longer I but we.  Sometimes, we just need to let our hair down.  Our spouses would appreciate it more, as they will know what’s really the issue.  Let’s face it ladies, sometimes it’s just not them! 
Stay Encouraged

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