Monday, October 23, 2017

What Happened to that Time?

There was a time when people would cross the street when passing a church if they were engaging in negative activity like smoking or drinking.

There was a time when the altar of God was deemed a sacred area not to be played with!

There was a time when we would be on our best behavior when we just entered the doors of the church.

What happened to that time?

Now we are encouraging our youth to go up to the altar and basically “fake shout”.

Now we are on our phones while it’s prayer time.

Now people will not only stay on the same side as the church while smoking or drinking, they will do it right on the church steps.

The sacredness of God has left our midst.  We may ask why and its simple, it’s because we have lost our reverence.

Psalms 89:7
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him.

Saints, lets turn our hearts back towards our Savior.  Let’s remember that He is not only an awesome God, but a holy God.  He is God that is to be reverence!