Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Jonah Moment


When we look at the book of Jonah from the outside looking in, we all can find ourselves saying just say what the Lord told you to say and keep it moving J  Yet as my pastor’s wife highlighted, we all at one point are Jonah’s.  Let’s face it, there are times when you want to kick and scream at the Lord when He tells us something to do that doesn’t feel good at all to your flesh!


I find myself being Jonah.  A leak happened in my apartment that caused my mattress to be damaged.  On one hand, I was praising God it was the mattress and not something more complex to handle.  Yet on the other, I was devastated.   I begin to think about all the wonderful memories I shared with my husband on that mattress.  A new start in Philadelphia.  MSNBC News causing some good debates.  Times of just playing jazz music while we cuddle. It wasn’t marital relations.  Now I had to watch all those memories placed in a plastic mattress bag.  Oh how I cried like a baby while I watched it go out the door. 

My Jonah attitude kicked it.  Why did this have to happen God?  Things has already been taken away from me related to my husband; did the mattress have to go too?  This isn’t fair.  I can’t even keep our mattress.  All I have left are memories and pictures.   Selah

This Ruth Journey is like a roller-coaster ride.  There are days I am up and there are days I am down.  This mattress avenue got me way down.  I cried so hard that my eyes felt tired.  All I could think about is how things really are a vapor in this life.  Yet the question remains: can we yet trust Him?  Selah

It began to darn on me that what if Abba was just helping me along on this widow way.  He doesn’t want me to settle like Abraham father Terah did in the city of Haran.  He has so much more in store for me.  However if I keep looking back, if I keep wanting to stay in the past, how can He lead me into the future?

See fear takes-it takes away our joy, our peace, our trust. 

Faith gives-it gives us joy, our peace, and growth in trust.

I’m at a street corner now on Ruth Journey where I have to decide do I make a right on faith or make a left on fear.

God is so beautiful!  He wants to leads us on the path He has for us.  Yet He is such a gentleman that allows us to make the choice.  He never forces anything on us.  He always there!  This hurts and it’s ok for me to say Abba this hurts.  Nevertheless, I will yet trust Him even in my Jonah moment.

Be encouraged widows