Thursday, December 28, 2023

Our Own Way


Isaiah 53: 6

We all, like sheep, went astray: we turned, each one, to his own way; yet Adonai laid on him the guilt of all of us.


This scripture pierced my heart as I was reading it.  How many times do we, even within the body of Christ go our own way?  Those times Abba may have said to go right and we go left or tells you to forgive but we rather hold grudges.  How about how he pleads so hard for our hearts?  Just look at the Word.  From Genesis to Revelations you see God’s love letter to men, desiring our hearts for Him.  Yet I wonder how many of us He can say have our hearts?

Do we read His word or go in prayer as our Christian checklist?  When attending church or being part of service, is it away to say to ourselves I did my Christian duty?  Are we really doing things our own way or in His way?


Yet Adonai.  Two words that pierced my heart.  Yet Adonai love us in spite of us.  Yet Adonai laid on him the guilt of all of us.  Our shame, our sin, our own way. He is yet pleading for our hearts even today.  Just like in the natural, we want a spouse to love us from their hearts, not out of obligation.  We want family love to be sincere, not as a duty.  How much more does God wants us to love Him with our hearts.  He shed His blood to restore intimacy with him.  So will we be intimate or rather go towards our own way where we know of Him, but not actually Him.

Let us do a heart check with Abba.