Revelations 20:11, 12
Let that marinate…
Sometimes we can be so caught up
in the affairs of this world. The bigger
house, the prestige job, that large bank account can so overwhelm our daily
affairs. It can even make us feel like
failures if we don’t achieve them, or make us too prideful when we do. Yet have you ever stopped and thought of how
all these things are what Ecclesiastes calls vapors? God is not against us having these things,
but he’s not please when these things have us.
They are added things as we are to be seeking His Kingdom first!
Let’s go even deeper…do you ever
stop to think about the book of life and how your chapter will read on that day
of being face to face with him? Selah
I wonder what it would say. Would it say I forgave or I just couldn’t give
that over to the Lord because He knows how bad that person hurt me. Would it say I saw them through your love or
well we are under grace and God understands why I just can’t stand that
person. Would it say whatever gifts you
given, no matter how great or small you feel they maybe I used them for your
kingdom, or would it say I wasted it too much time on material gain.
Bold Existence Ministries really
made me think this morning. Heaven and
earth is going to pass away. That home,
that car, that job, even that relationship is going to pass away. So why get so caught up in vapors? Treat it for what it is a blessing while
passing through, not your identity. Not
even your real life. I don’t know about
you, but I want my chapter to be a good one.
Thank God, for his mercy that blesses us fresh very morning to
change our chapter in the book of life.
Be encouraged.
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