Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Power of Consistency

Sometimes my life can appear to be like a roller coaster. One day I am up, the next day I can be down.  In dealing with life’s hiccups, we can be tempted to get off track.  We KNOW who we are in Christ, but are we consistent? Selah

When we see a rainbow in the sky, we all marvel at its beauty. It’s interesting to see how the different colors all unite as one to create that rainbow.  Yet when we see that very same rainbow, it is a reminder of God’s covenant He made with us so many years ago.  We all can say that God has been consistent with that agreement!

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13.  (NIV)

Since we as His people strive to be Christ-like, part of God’s character is consistency. He expects us to be consistent in our obedience, our faithfulness, and even in our personal life. Imagine if our Savior wasn’t consistent, where would we be? Selah

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Psalm 33:1

I will be the first one to repent of my inconsistencies and ask God to grant me more grace in this area.  He’s calling for us to be consistent, especially in times when it may appear not to be so popular!  Stay encouraged!



  1. Hi Evie,

    Thank you for your post. Yes, I am so thankful for our Lord's faithfulness, His unchanging character and truth and for His Grace. Oh how I want to be more like Him...
    God bless

    1. Oh how I want to be more like Him too sis! I don't want to be like a roller coaster in my walk. Yet here's the key, our total dependence on Him. Only He can help us in our weakness. Thanks for reading!

  2. Hey Girl, We must have been have going through some things going on, because our posts are on the same line. But God! The devil is a liar and a defeated foe! We win!

  3. roller coaster emotions SUCK the joy right out of us! so horrible to deal with but so common. powerful tool of the enemy.

    Raise your hands (like when you are going down the mega hill on the roller coaster) and just sing praises!! giving it all to God.

    and then have a reesecup and giant cup of coffee! chocolate and coffee are always a blessing.

    i love you girly!! you bless me


  4. I can relate to this. Currently on I guess you call a low but I know that it's not forever, just for now. There has to be a purpose for it. Thank you.

    1. I realized whether we are Chrisitans not, life can just have those hiccups. Yet what I love about God is He will give us peace, strength, and even the joy to see us through it! Praise Him.

  5. Thanks for sharing this message with us, Evie. It is a great reminder for US to remain constant, obedient and faithful in all we do. Christ definitely gave us the perfect example of being obedient to the point of death on a cross! Wow! God bless.
