Thursday, April 23, 2015


If we were to be honest, sometimes we just make excuses.  We make excuse on why we were late.  We make excuses on why we don’t exercise.  We make excuse on why we just had to have the latest thing in style.  Excuses are all over our world, even in the church.
We use excuses on why we didn’t pray.  We use excuses why we didn’t spend any personal time in His word.  Yes, we even make excuses with the way we dress.

Excuses, it sounds like an innocent word, but it can be causing so much damage in our spiritual life!

Just like we can die within a period of time without food or water, our spiritual man can die as well.  When was the last time you fed Him God’s word?  When was the last time you dedicated time of devotion with Him?  Oh, and I’m talking pass our Sunday morning services….selah

Saints, let’s stop allowing the devil to use what appears to be such an innocent word to devastate our spiritual lives. Remember our spirit man is depending on us!


  1. Thank you Evie! Every day I make excuses not to exercise or eat right! You're right- it appears to be innocent but it daily adds up to neglect of the temple the Lord has given me. Today- I'm going to just commit to what I should do- today. :) hugs and blessings

  2. Making excuses is easy. Living for the Lord - takes dedication and work and daily - not just on sunday!

  3. Oh gosh you have caught me out with that exercising one again. Thank goodness He allows us to make new starts.
