Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Whatever He Says Do!

John 2:1-11

Just picture this popular Bible story. Everyone is having a great time at the wedding feast. As the host your heart is all warm from watching people enjoy one another at your event. The music is playing, the people are dancing and laughing, and then out of nowhere an issue arises. You run out of wine. You start to panic as not only will this dampen the feast, but ruin your reputation as the host. Your heart starts pounding and sweat begins to develop as you the question of what am I going to do comes to mind.

Yet picture having a guest at your feast like Mary who knows who to go to when a problem appears. She went to Jesus. Imagine her telling you to look to Jesus! The key part to the storyline in this sentence, do whatever He tells you. Even in the midst of a problem, a choice has to be made. Do we obey the scriptures or stay in our emotions? Do we look to the Spirit or stay in our flesh?

 As you may already know, they decided to do just what Jesus said; although it did not make any sense. Just fill the jars with water. Um, Jesus, we don’t need water but wine. Nevertheless, when they put emotions aside and obeyed by faith, there ended up being plenty of wine. The guess never knew there was a problem and the feast went on to be a wonderful event.

Facts are it feels easier to stay within our emotions based on what we are seeing externally. It feels normal to panic when a problem arises or feels good to cater to your flesh when it comes to pleasures. Here's a thought, if we remain in our emotions, can they be linked to unbelief?  We are bless with the gift of choice.  Do I stay within my emotions and own strength that can equal spiritual death, or do I acknowledge what I’m feeling but turn to Jesus and do whatever He says for life and peace. These decisions are not always easy and sometimes we will even have our shortcomings depending on the matter. Yet those words pierced my heart today; whatever He says do.

He that has an ear let him hear!

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