Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Are You Seeking?

In the voice of Sophia from the show Golden Girls, picture it.  You are watching the time, as you hurry up to get dress to get in the car.  You make sure you are on time to that church service, as you don’t want a miss a second of what God may do.  The minister starts off the service with such a powerful prayer, that God’s presence enters the room.  There’s no pumping up praise, as the praise is already there.  You leave church renewed, refreshed, and full of armor.

So what happened to our services particularly here in America?  The rush we once had now has turned into dragging our way to church.  The praise that uses to be already there is now spent pumping the saints up.  That powerful start off prayer over services has turned into a five minute bless the service Lord Prayer.

My opinion, I think we started walking more after the flesh and less after the spirit.  If the Pastor got up and said Monday night we are having prayer for those desiring a financial blessing, I bet you there will be a great turn out.  That same Pastor can say we having Monday night prayer for spiritual breakthroughs, ten people may show up.  We as a body has got caught up to seeking things instead of seeking God!  We have catered to our flesh and as a result, we have flesh services. Even with a lot of our gospel music today, it caters to our flesh. Very few songs encourages praise and worship.

Don’t misunderstand me, God desires for us to be blessed with things.    The scripture says He has pleasure in the prosperity of His servants in Psalm 112. There should be a balance with our lives.  However let me be honest here, if a person gets sick, that car is not going to heal them.  If a person is depressed, that house is not going to free them. If there’s chaos at work, that three carat ring isn't going to change the atmosphere. If you need to forgive, those clothes are not going to help mend your heart to do it!

We know the scripture, seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33

The question is what are we seeking first?

Saints, we need to be reminded that we are in this world, but we are not of this world.  Someone needs to be delivered.  Someone needs to be saved.  Someone needs to be made free.  Our services need to go back to the old landmark.  We need to go back to seeking His anointing.  It’s the anointing that destroys the yoke!  So again I ask what are you seeking FIRST?

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful post. I agree with you about more people responding to a call for financial blessings vs. spiritual blessings.
