Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Makes Us Stay...

There you are minding your own business when you look up and see a tall, caramel skin, nice brown eyes and a heck of a smile kind of guy.  You make eye contact.  He starts to approach you.  You feel chills as he takes each step towards you.  Then within a blink of an eye, you give him your number.

There’s conversations that leads to dates.  There’s dates that leads to laughs.  There are laughs that can lead to memories.  You even say to yourself could he be the one?  You start picturing the ring, the dress, and the day of the wedding.  Yet you can’t help but notice things have changed.  The texts are less.  The calls are few. The time spent is now short.  You find yourself giving your gift of time only for it not to be returned back to you.  He says he loves you, but.  It’s the “but” that now has you feeling insecure, being depressed, and even at times feeling lonely.  That good God looking man has now shattered your heart and left you empty.  So you leave right? No, we still hold on.

How many of us women do this?  We are experiencing a bad relationship, but we hold on.  Hold on to the thought of I can help change him.  Hold on to the thought of but he’s so fine.  Hold on to the thought of it’s better than being alone.  Notice how everything we do starts with a thought!

This is a root called rejection and under it is a spirit of insecurity, sex for love, denial, loneliness, and low self-worth (Cindy Trimm, Rules of Engagement, p236-240).

Our Avi, Father has made women beautiful, intelligent, and unique.  Our Avi, Father did not make us to feel belittled, used, or even to settle.  If a man can’t appreciate your worth, he is simply not worth your time!  I know this issue too well, as I spent two years purposely alone to seek God for deliverance, as low self-esteem led me to think I didn’t have a life unless I had a man.  I spent that time repenting, intense honest prayers, fasting, and reading God’s word.  I went to the movies by myself.  I went to eat out by myself. I went to beaches and parks by myself.  I spent time with me and God!  Was it depressing at first to do, you betcha.  Was it worth it at the end, you betcha.  Thank God for Yahweh Mephalti, the Lord my deliver!  I know my worth!

Even Song of Solomon 4:7 states:  You are all fair (beautiful), my love; there is no spot in you.

So I leave you with this…he is fine, but is he really worth your time!

Be Encouraged.


  1. Great post. I have been guilty of staying too long out of fear of loneliness.

  2. I a guilty of this as well for the same reason, but God!
