Saturday, October 5, 2013

Don't Get It Twisted, We Are At War!

Luke 8:30

Jesus asked him what is your name?  Legion because many devils were entered into him.

The topic of demons have been fairly mixed within the church.  This passage in Luke lets us know that demonic activity is real, and there is a reason why it’s called spiritual warfare.  When Jesus was here on earth, He did things for our example.  One of them was showing us how to take authority over demonic activity. 
Demons focus are to attempt to distort and destroy, especially people relationships with God. It is vital that believers recognize this.  As the word of God states, there is a war between the spirit and the flesh!
2 Corinthians 10:4

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to pulling down of strong holds.

Demons can be powerful until they come across a saint that knows their authority in God!  What did Jesus do when he was face with demonic activity. Did he run?  NO!  He took his authority immediately.  What was the weapon, His word!
1 Corinthians 4:20

For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power!

The power of His resurrection give us power through His name.  At the name of Jesus, the weakest demons tremble.  Just at His name!  The name that is above all names!  This is also why it is so vital for saints to get God’s word in their hearts.  When it’s time for war, the soldiers are prepared. That is not the time to being getting your weapons together.  Same principle in the spirit.  When it’s time to rebuke those demons, that is not the time to start looking up a scriptures.  Mediate on God’s word.  It is vital to the spiritual war we are in.  What happen when Jesus spoke His word, the demons left.
So do we seat back and just accept sickness on our body or chaos in our homes or attacks on our finances?  Not if you are a child of God that know your authority in Christ!  During this month of Halloween, I am reminding the saints to be prayerful and fast.  Its war!  Demonic activity is at its peak doing this time of the year.  Notice how no one gets offended with Halloween, but everyone opinions come out for Christmas.

Saints, I encourage you to take your authority in Christ.  We are at war, no time to sleep!

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