Saturday, February 18, 2023

His Time


As I was speaking with a dear friend, the subject time arose referring to the following part of the scripture:

Psalms 30:5

…. weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

It was stated that the morning came, and the person still felt like weeping.  Then the Holy Spirit gave me this as a response:

Maybe the person morning is not God’s morning.  God’s time doesn’t always line up with our time.

As I’m reading the Lost Books of the Bible, in the book of Jubilees this was confirmed with Adam. God said by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, he will die.  Technically did Adam die right then and there after eating of the fruit. No. Yet he died within a day on God’s time. How?  A thousand years is as unto one day with the Lord. Adam died at the age of 930.  He didn’t make it to 1,000.  Therefore, he died within a day to God (Lumpkin, 2009, p231).

While we are in the valley of life circumstances, it’s hard to see things God’s way at times.  So, this is a moment of encouragement to remind you that if it doesn’t seem like God is answering on our timeline, it maybe because HIS timeline is different from ours!  Remember his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8).

Nevertheless, if His Word says joy comes in the morning, you can rest assure that it will come just at the right time!

Be encouraged.


Joseph M. Lumpkin. (2009). The Lost Books of the Bible: The Rejected Texts. Fifth Estate.


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