Sunday, February 19, 2023

Is It OK to Question God?

Habakkuk was a prophet who found himself being sadden by the corruption he saw around him.  With this weighing on his heart, he decided to question God.

Some may say but I thought we shouldn’t question God, as he is God.  Yet is that a religious mindset or relationship mindset?   Selah

In a relationship whether it be a parent with a child, a teacher with their student, or a husband and wife; we all have had a question or two come up in our relationships that needed to be answered.  Since Christ blood restored our relationship with him, Habakkuk shows that it is perfectly okay to ask God a question.  Yet we are to be aware that his response may not always be what we would like to hear.

In this short book, Habakkuk ask the question and God responds with an answer.  The book ends with Habakkuk prayer.  The book shows that God wants us to come to him with our struggles and with our cares.  It’s a beautiful reminder that even when things aren’t making any sense, God bring his strength and reassures us that he is yet in control. We are to live in the strength of his Spirit.  Is this easier said than done? Yes, but that’s where the just shall live by faith sets in!

God answered Habakkuk and He will answer you as well.  So, what question do you have for Him?  Be aware as the answer may surprise you.

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